What was the last movie you watched?

612 replies since 4th April 2007 • Last reply 4th April 2007

Eeeww..I just watched Blindness this week...it was gross & disturbing! :p

..Although the last film I've watched was "The Hitcher" (1986) a classic! Ponyboy <3 hehee..
Has anyone seen the 2007 remake? I can't imagine it being too good, I don't usually like remakes of classic films!

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I'm so sick of remakes they just keep ruining them. Its funny music recycles itself and I will love the songs most of the time. But when movies do it it usually sucks. )=

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I have seen both.
I think the remake was was pretty much the same as the original, except they added a person, so it's a couple instead of just one guy on his own, that is being hunted.

Rutger Hauer is obviously much better than Sean Bean.

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I know, TGC was just a let down and I rented the dvd too and it kept stopping itself and going back about 3 scenes so that didn't help. My mum had no idea what it was about! Maybe they thought the real ending was too much for small kids, even though kids just wouldn't understand the main story I think.

I've seen the hitcher 07 remake and I just hate films like that anyway, there's another one similar called Wolf Creek I think, hated that too.

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I really liked Wolf Creek, which is based on true events. Damn scary!

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Miss Potter.
It was pretty rubbish, Renée Zellweger is a pants actress and the random animated bits kind of annoyed me. I was a okay idea for a film, but it could've been done better.

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aaaw I loved that film! all cosy!

on a different note I'm watching the craft! I've seen it before though Happy

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confessions of a shopaholic

I read the books and I thought it would be a great fun film.

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I just watched Sunshine. It was decent.
Last night I watched The Visitor and it was pretty good. I enjoyed it.

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I love the Craft! People used to always tell me that I look like Nancy. I think its because I have big ol lips.
How was Shopaholic Michelle?

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The last film I watched was GhostTown, big ricky gervais fans in da hooouse, yeh we went to see him do stand up actually. Anyway the film was decent, would be alright on a sunday afternoon but it wasn't as funny as I'd hoped.

I want to see Shopaholic! 'Underwear is a basic human right!'

Last time I watched craft before the other day i was about 12 I think and it scared me but I still liked it lol I'm still such a wuss!

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I was wondering how GhostTown would be; I'll probably take your advice QueenFairy and rent it on a Sunday.

Last movie I watched was Resident Evil. I don't care if people say it is a horrible game to movie film, I never played the games and I think the movie by itself is great. Plus you hardly ever get to see girls kick butt like that in 'horror' films.

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I watched GhostTown didn't think it was very funny.

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shopaholic is a great girl overcomes vice movie, its funny, and has a romantic tie to it.

I enjoyed it.

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watching the Pink Panther

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