Makeup Discussion

83 replies since 6th October 2008 • Last reply 6th October 2008

when you put on mascara don't just blink onto the brush, take the brush through your lashes and move the brush horizontally like in a rough way once or twice and it will seperate the lashes and make them go the right way...does ususally with mine Happy

I like clean, crisp, florally smells and Anna Sui has such cute designs and Secret Wish has a little fairy on the bottle sooo, when I smell it I see big magical pink and yellow flowers in a forest Happy I currently only have Sweetheart by Ghost, it's a bit too sweet and rich for me but someone bought it for me and it's quite nice...used up more then half the bottle, since may because it's all the perfume I have. Oh wait no I have some left of Floral by Paul Smith! I forget I've got that, as you can tell haha. I used to have DKNY Delicious and Red Delicious and got both (in medium sized bottles) for £25 cuz I got them when I went to America Happy I hate smelling nice perfumes on people out and about because I don't want to ask them what it is but want to find out!

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I use Vivienne Westwood Sin Garden, but I haven't had any in forever cause I can't afford it and no one will buy it for me - boo hoo. I might try Let It Rock though.

Lolita is a very nice perfume, and in an apple shaped bottle (nicer than the Nina Ricci one). I'm a sucker for really sweet smells.

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today I chicken out on getting my hair dyed purple...I am scared to do anything too out there

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Do it michelle G!! Do it! You'll be so happy once it's done Happy I change my hair colour/styles as often as I change my underpants. I have a pretty conservative day job!

Recently I went from longish black to shortish fire-engine red, then very recently hacked it all off very shot and it's white blonde. I'm going to grow it all out and shave one side. I'm always planning my next cut/colour!

So methinks you should go for it :p

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ok...I want to grow it out a bit more. I did the same thing, I had long hair and hacked it all off, its growing out. I think once it becomes a bob I will

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I love changing my hair. For years I was just growing my hair, it was all black, all one length and I had a straight fringe. Then one day I suddenly decided to get a side fringe and get layers. Then I got it cut short, with odd lengths and two long bits. Then got my long bits cut off and have red streaks. And soon I'm bleaching. I can never do too much in one go, but I love changing it, I get so bored.

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yeh I need a change. It's been all black for 2 years now. I let it grow long and then chopped it above my shoulder in August. My hair is so fine though and always breaking. I have all these short sticking up hairs at the crown from them breaking Happy

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if you're a bit scared of changing it buy a wash in wash out dye first Happy Your hair is quite light too so be really careful with the dye around your hair line, you can use vaseline to stop it getting too much on your skin and those little hairs you don't see...until it's dyed and looks weird around your hair line haha I don't both with it but I'm just careful, you just have to really rub when you're washing the dye out to make it all come off. Sorry just assumed you hadn't dyed it before.

I dyed my hair with a wash in wash out thing in school, dunno why I went for red it didn't look right. I tried loads with blonde semi perminant and wash in wash out stuff but it didn't make it go blonde, just shiney. I've had red hair for 3 years now, best thing I ever did with it. It wasn't so red at first, it used to go purply, but now it just goes RED! I always feel quite plain though and then I realise my hair is bright red lol I go for quite drastic changes with the cut though, last time I got it cut wasn't that drastic because I'm growing it. Give it a few months and it'll be short again!

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yeah, I think I will let my grow a little bit more now. For some reason I just like cutting my hair

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I bought a bright blue wig today haha If I had the guts I would wear lots of different coloured ones all the time, that would save on dyeing my hair all the time! Happy

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ooh nice, maybe I could try that? I dyed my hair black once, it looked really cool

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new hairstyles I am thinking off when my hair starts growing out
<div style="width:600px; text-align: center;"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="" height="180" width="600"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a></div>

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Ooh I really like all of those! But mostly the blonde curly one which is to the right of the black-haired one.

When I get lots of my hair cut off, it's like being on a rollercoaster. I really, really freak out and kinda can't breathe and want it to stop but can't, but then at the end I can't stop smiling and I'm glad I did it

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I like that one too, my hair is going to be like that soon

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it wouldn't take much effort to infect a bottle of mascara.. germs are everywhere Tongue
and about perfume.. i never wear any.
i just wear deodorant xD
and i really like the black hairstyle and the one to the right of it Tongue
i'm actually planning to get something similar to those pretty soon.

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