Revision Help!!!
Hey guys,
I'm doing my GCSE mocks at the moment (and very soon I'll be doing the real thing). I basically suck at science, and my teacher told me about a guy on YouTube (called myGCSEscience). So I looked at his videos on P1 yesterday and they were amazing....
only a slight problem though, he's made most of his videos private now, so we have to pay to view them!!
Has anyone got any good revision sources for a visual learner like me?
Thanks so much
Steph xxx
You should try khan academy. I've only really watched their history and math videos, but they are really good. The science videos should be the same. I hope this helps!
Ooh thanks Robyn A! I had a look, their revision sources seem fairly good. There's a lot of videos though xD
...well, at least that's better than a lot of writing....
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