
Hey I was wondering what font is that at the top? Both of them. They are awesome!

Also does anyone know where to get good [free] fonts? I know Anywhere else?


I love your website by the way! Your projects are all totally awesome! =]

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3 replies since 2nd June 2007 • Last reply 2nd June 2007

The font for "Cut Out + Keep" is Brubecks Cube and the "don't run with scissors.." is Digital Strip.

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I always use:


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I've been using <!-- m --><a href=""></a><!-- m --> - which is kinda like an iTunes for fonts, with the store and everything. Great for inspiration, and you can often find the font you want free from some website <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/ditzy.gif" alt="wink" title="wink" /><!-- s;) -->

Ahhh..... fonts <!-- s:geek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/geeky.gif" alt="geek" title="geek" /><!-- s:geek: -->

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