What's in a name??

Hey guys! SO I am just beginning the road to awareness through my Blog/Facebook/Etsy/Youtube and I would love to have a nickname for my fan base! (I've added a link to the actual posting in my blog: http://mycupoftea-elfinadventure.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-elfin-adventure-nation.html) I am offering a 50% off any item coupon code for my etsy shop to the winning suggestion, all you have to do is comment on the blog post your ideas!

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4 replies since 8th November 2013 • Last reply 8th November 2013


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Sadly, I could not post on your blog, it thinks I am "Dallas Sink" for some reason...lol

I'm curious if you know you already have an AWESOME name? The Elfin Adventure Nation (T.E.A. Nation) I love it. You can always refer to your personal tea-partiers as the Nation. I've done marketing for over 20 years and it does have legs.

March on, friendly Elven-earth advocates! Today the nation, tomorrow the world.


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Wow Ravens Trove I absolutely love that and will totally use that last line in a future post thanks!

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Yay! I am all smiles. Just glad you like it! Good luck in your blogging!!! I'll keep checking ya' out.

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