Scottish Advanced Higher Art ideas?

So, I am doing Advanced Higher Design this year (My last at school) and am beginning to run low on ideas...
My themes are Gothic Architecture and my inspiration is coming from Tim Burton and Colleen Atwood. Anybody know of any crafts I could experiment with for my folio which will also fit in with my themes?
I've already done some sewing and felting as well as collecting source images but new ideas would be fabulous!
If you want I can also include my sheets I have so far?

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2 replies since 2nd January 2013 • Last reply 2nd January 2013

With Tim burton/gothic architecture you can do plenty ... Papercuts in a gothic Tim burton style ... Mini animations (there's tuts on here for that) ... Sketches or paintings ... You could even use shrink plastic and make a variety of badges based on the theme Happy ... Or you could be a bit different and do something with clothing ...

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Well all in all I am designing a costume and a film set, I was thinking of using shrinking plastic to make embellishments too Happy

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