yayaya anniversary !

20 replies since 30th April 2008 • Last reply 30th April 2008

CLOVER!!! Happy

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aaaaaw! I don't think my dog would appreciate a cat at all like that bless him! aaaaw clover is lovely!

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Thats a cute name and she is very cute Happy How old is she?

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that information i am not sure of, they told everything to my hubby while i was keeping the two kids from petting all the animals! lol. He is out of town so when he gets home i will ask, but i think about 1-3 years. I just wish she will come out of hiding. Happy

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Aww I'm sure it may take some time, you have young kids, so I am sure she is just adjusting to the noise and all. Once she is getting water and some grub she will be ok I think.
When we got our Tara she was 4 months old and was in a tiny cage in the rescue place. When we took her home she literally ran back and forth from the kitchen to the sitting room, she was just happy to be out! haha
If you let her be I think she will come around on her own. If you go to catster.org they have forums there which have been a huge help to me Happy
Good luck.

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Your pets are adorable and congratulations on the anniversary!

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