I'm getting a pet rat.
As soon I as clean my room up i'm getting one. And I've done some research on pet rats and my friend who actually had on told me some things to make sure I do and get. So I was wondering if there was more to know about. Like feeding, cages, toys (If they have any), Possible illnesses they might get...Anything is appreciated I want to be as educated as I possibly can before I get one.
I've never owned a rat (only a dog and guinea pigs), but you are so lucky to get one! Rats are really playful, but just don't overwhelm them with lots of people; they don't like it when ten different hands are trying to grab them from different directions (and obviously, you wouldn't like that either if you were that small).
My sister had rats. They eat almost everything. Nori (one of the rats) ate pizza and if we sat on the couch while eating he came looking. And if you didn't watch out he snatched something of your plate.
Rats can get cancer. If the lump appears on the outside it might be possible to operate.
My boyfriends mom has had numerous pet rats for the past couple of years, and while they are sweet and you can train them to do "tricks", they don't have a long life span(around two years). And as Dragonfly pointed out, they tend to get cancerous tumors.
Rats love to explore, so make sure you give them empty cardboard containers and boxes to look through and chew apart. Maybe even make them a tunnel system! They also like looking for food, so you could maybe get some of those dog toys that make it hard to get the food out and place treats in those. You could probably use hamster and guinea pig toys too, although I've never seen my boyfriend's mom use them. Have fun with your new pets!!
Make them Hammocks! I have 2 rats, and have owned several I love them. They are so smart, amazing personalities. My babies Cicily and Aspen eat anything i have lying around, from cheese to veggies to burnt cake
Yeah some rats die quick, usually within the first 6 months, any that get past that you usually have a few years with
Its kind-of depressing but its the truth of things. Advice, Handel them often, Talk to them tonnes. Pet them!!! and make them hammocks.
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