Happy Craft Month Everyone!

Happy craft month everyone! Just saw this sign in Jo-Ann window yesterday and just remembered to do a shout out on here!

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6 replies since 7th March 2011 • Last reply 7th March 2011

I had no idea that march was craft month. My car has been in the shop for a while so I haven't been out and about much, lol. Thanks for the heads up! I'll probaly send out a bunch of Craft Month themed Happy Grams now!

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Thanks! I didn't know it was Craft Month but it just started so I'm going to make the best of it!

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no way, lets celebrate!!!! feista! dances around, now DON"T DANCE WITH YOUR SISSORS!!! or anything with sharp pointy ends, could end badly


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Yup, you all welcome! Lets get a crafting on a March, ready set go!

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I didn't know anything about "Craft Month" thanks for sharing! This gives me an excuse to spend countless hours making things. Happy

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There's a craft month? That's brilliant! I've got to make some of the things I've been putting off now!

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