I took my English early, can I still do it at A-Level?

I took my English GCSE in November Year 10 and got an A! So happy! xD

But I think I'd like to study it at A-Level, will they still let me do it even though I won't have studied it for 18 months?

My target was an A* so I can resit in the summer if I want, but I'm pefectly happy with an A and even if I do resit I still won't have done English Language in a year by the time I'm doing my A-Levels.

Can I still do English Language at A-Level?

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4 replies since 10th February 2011 • Last reply 10th February 2011

I should think so, I did all my science GCSE's in the summer of year 10 and I then picked up Chemistry for A-level even though I hadn't done it for a year! So if I can, I don't see why you can't Happy

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Yes I'm sure you can still do English at A-Level. I picked up Chemistry this year (I'm doing AS at the moment) and I'm writing iGCSE now in May/June, then AS next May/June and A-Levels in October/November (Cambridge doesn't allow students to write iGCSE and AS in the same year, but you can do AS and A-Level in the same year)

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I don't see why not...

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I don't see why not...

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