What's it like in your city/town?

21 replies since 16th February 2008 • Last reply 16th February 2008

Just yesterday
The snow was all slushy and there were some little puddles

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aww snow lucky you. the weather in Perths really weird, were nearing the end of summer and it's really hot one day then cold the next.

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It rained a LOT two nights ago. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking the world was about to end.

The results on Lisbon/surroundings:

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oh dear poor lisbon!!! The south of the England got so badly flooded this summer because all it did across the entire country was rain! luckily were I live is protected by hills and there are no huge rivers, rain could get trapped in the middle of the hills where we are though!

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Oh flooding is never good Happy

We had lots of rain and then snow again, which stuck but was very wet snow

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well as much as I can't stand the cold, at least it doesn't look like that!
my town is small and boring. there are lots of rich people and ski bums and "bros" bluegrass is the musical craze and everything is supper expensive. the summer is nice though, except all the tourists in their gas guzzling autos trying to run me over.

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All these pics make me feel like a road trip.

I like to jump into the jeep and take back country trails for an afternoon or early morning. Sometimes, I come across a road that just opened up that's been closed for years and only opened up because of a recent fire. Fires seem to open up new roads and the crews make them only wide enough for their equipment. Perfect for my jeep and since they aren't commonly traveled they make lovely drives to innocent places. I tread lightly and try to maintain the conditions as I left them. But occasionally you come across an area torn up and it makes me sad.

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