Rekorderlig :) mmmmmmmmm

My partner brought home some cider from his work (Lidl) a few weeks ago and it was the BEST!! Winter cider that you can have hot or cold. Vanilla, Cinnamon and Apple flavour.
Since then we've not been able to get it anywhere Happy but my partner came home yesterday with a whole CRATE of it! Happy they have it back in for limited time so we've stocked up ready for xmas.
Anyone else tried it? if not i reccommend you do! Happy

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2 replies since 9th December 2010 • Last reply 9th December 2010

I'm going to Lidl on Monday, so I'll try it if there's any in stock. I have some cider-loving visitors coming soon.
I'm going to get the Mulled wine they sell, I get that every year, and they also sell the best chocolate coins and Santas!

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i tried thier luxury mince pies last night and they were AMAZING and i dont even like mince pies!! Happy let us know what you think of it!!

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