Go shivi! I didn't know u went to china... I must have missed that part
i ams tuffed!
Ooh I'd love to go to China. Hope you had heaps of fun!!
omgosh isnt this just adorable I almost missed it Check it out
the nearest I get to china is when I serve chinese people at work, not that many chinese people here
LOL oh suuug you're so embarrasing! stop being such a mum!!!
I got some very good bargins today again, taking full advantage of my discount while I've still got 2 days to go!
I'm going to write up a blog entry soon, explaining my abscense and showing you a couple of pictures and such. Need to find my camera though........*rummages through bedroom*
I has a twitter account! somebody add me or something: http://twitter.com/Keytomybrain
I get the code in the email at 12:00, but my 3rd period class ends at 12:50, so hopefully that'll be a class that I can just ask to go to the bathroom or whatever and then ill forward it to my dad then.
FOB TICKETS!!!!! w00t w00t, hopefully I get pit tickets.
cool,will add.
Sug is so awesome. I loves her
I was just reading the "Chillout" section of the newspaper, it a small section with comics and articles aimed at children and young teens. On the back page they had a review of Lily Allen's latest single and at the end they listed the best bit and worst bit and can you guess what they wrote for the worst bit???
"Lily is a bit of a nob". I cracked up laughing, it's completly tru but for them to print that?!?, especially in a section read possibly by young children!
Just though I'd share, it made me laugh!
I'm really happy cuz it will be a Tanabata fest for first time in my city (yay!!!), I can't wait to go on july!!
Haha I can't stand Lily Allen, she gets on my nerves so much.
oh god, that poor girl. She needs help.
I has job
Who is Lily Allen?
I got pretty pink flip flop slippers today! They are sooo cushy!
Her singing it terrible! And she always comes across as being really full of herself.
yeh she bugs me too, jordan bugs me the most though on the front of OK or something 'Jordan Speaks out!: 'kelly brook should stick to glamour work'' ' and so should jordan the biatch! she's aaaalways in one of those magazines, her occupation bit on forms must say 'interviewee' because thats how she must make her money!
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