look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves!
I am so enjoying Christmas break. We have one week left but yaay no work or school.
My boyfriend and I are emailing each other back and forth but it's sorta difficult to find a time when were both awake; he's in england. I miss him
He needs a cell phone but his parents are really strict...
I still need to find a job.
Me too Michelle...me too...
hehe ditto ^^ But first I have to get fit...
^^ I´m going to bed now.. Hope you guys have a wonderful night,day and whatever time it is at your Timezone... ^^ *g*
its 1am here. Got to buy ink tomorrow to print cv's
wooo 1 or 2 weeks till I find out if I can leave woork! although if they offer to take me on longer then I suppoooose I have to say yes for the moneys.
W00t I finally got mirror for my room and it's a rlly nice one, full-length and everything it was only seventy dollars from target
I also took the dog on a walk today and I feel good XD
oh nice, I just got a whole bunch of hello kitty stuff
I got some make up brushes and a hair trimmer and some free stuff from work! They do these things where you spend so much on some brand of make up and then you get a free thing, and today was the last day for the offer so we got the ones they didn't give away one was a make up bag with make up! The other was a box with more make up, make up brushes, and an eye lash curler
Also I have a job interview AT A PET SHOP! on the 9th of jan I think my last day at work is the 5th and I don't think they're gonna take me on for longer so all good.
I have too much stress...
I just got home from the new year Party and Just wanna say ^^ Happy new year Everybody ^^ *yay*
thanks jess...
23:14 pm here in Mexico... Almost new year. Time runs fast!
happy new year
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