Yikes I'm Excited!

I'm leaving for a nice long 5 day trip to Vegas early Sunday morning with my boyfriend and some friends. I'm super excited and nervous, I've never been on a plane before which is sad considering how old I am but now I am spending half my time packing checking what I can and can't take with me on the plane lol! I think just to be on the safe side I won't take anything in a carry on like make-up or nail care related. I'll probably pack my carry on with clothes lol!

Whats worse about it though, is that my boyfriend and I will be there for our 6 year anniversary and I am so nervous- I keep hoping that he will propose and I can't think like that because I'll be super disappointed if he doesn't. I'm going to try to enjoy myself no matter what but I know I'll be on edge the entire vacation waiting to see if he does and I know I'll be bummed if he doesn't. This is a nasty catch 22 moment. ARGH!

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5 replies since 23rd October 2010 • Last reply 23rd October 2010

Let's see.... Vegas, marriage proposal. *a nudge and wink* ;)

I've never flown either and I'm, well older, and I don't plan on it anytime soon. I am deathly scared of flying; that and snakes. But hope you have a safe trip and enjoy yourself!!!

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aWHHH Haha sounds suppper sweet. I hope something realll goood happens ^_^
Theres nothing scary about flying. It's just like having massive flutters in your stomach haha (: you will be fiine xx

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i was hoping/thinking my b/f was gonna propose on my 21st birthday when i was pregnant (but he didn't!) however we got engaged last year, not dead romantic or anything...we went shopping and were walking past a jewellers and i was looking (haha) at the rings so we went inside to try some on and he got me one!
Is your boyfriend quite romantic normally? if he is then he may well be planning on proposing, BUT don't forget he is a man and they sometimes lack the initiative to do these things! ;) just drop him a few hints

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Creativemind--I take it that you were NOT a fan of "Snakes on a Plane"?? ;)

PinkWeeds--I anticipate Shlomi's proposal every second of every day, and we've only been together 2.5 years! :-P I think this is normal... just MAKE yourself have fun, regardless of whether or not it happens. I think that is your best bet. You can't really stop yourself from thinking about it, but you CAN make yourself have fun--and when you are truly having fun, you will see that you are focusing on the great time you ARE having instead of the thing that you think MIGHT happen. Happy

Good luck!!! :-D

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Claire- my boyfriend and I have been together for so long that romance for us is watching old episodes of Xena on netflix together. lol! Dinner dates are actually more awkward now than they were when we first started dating because we no longer have anything to talk about. It pretty much drives me insane but he doesn't mind it- he's done the long-term relationship thing before so I guess he's used to it. But I am his longest relationship and its just time.

Creativemind- I'm not so much afraid of flying, but I hate rollercoasters so I'm afraid I wont like flying, if that makes sense? I like snakes though- my boyfriend doesn't, he gets creeped out by me petting snakes and such but I'm afraid of mice and rats and he used to own a rat so he freaks me out when he pets them. We're pretty odd that way.

Kellbear- if its the sort of massive flutters I get when I am on stage I can handle that but if its the sort of massive flutters I get when I'm at the top of a rollercoaster looking down at my death then we have problems.

Rachel, Thanks for the support, I'm sure Shlomi won't over look that he's supposed to propose to you since you kind of moved to the other side of the world and changed religions and all of that for him. I'd go to Israel to beat him up if he doesn't marry you after all that.

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