Poo Projects

All I want to say is that I think it's amazing that we actually have enough "poo" projects on CO&K that there is a specific category for them. I mean, I never would have thought to make a poo project. :-P

Yeppers. Just figured that out. This is all. xD

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6 replies since 12th October 2010 • Last reply 12th October 2010

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's hilarious!! I've never seen that but I'll check it out.

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Really? LOL My charms must be in there, now I'll have to look! I'm going to be making a matching ring and barrette for those too. Happy

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Added two more poo projects. Bwahahahahaha.

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I like poo projects. ^___^

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I have to say, the little crocheted poo was my favorite. :-P

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Oh oh look what I found!!! ^____^


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