halloween :O!!!!!!!!!
what are you guys up to this halloween? any amazing costume stuff? do you even still dress up??
i'm planning on being jhudora from neopets. kinda complicated.
I'm not doing anything special costume wise. May even have to dig out the kids' old costumes from last year because we're on a tight budget. I've only ever made two or three costumes in my life. Not very good ones mind you. I was Ash Ketchum and Leon Kennedy(twice) from Resident Evil. I may have a cross dressing problem! LOL
HAHAHAHA i might have to not do halloween this year due to broken foot. doctor visit and new xray is the 22 i think. so there is a slight chance (by slight i mean why am i fooling myself im not going to be walking all over the place) i will be in the house for this one.
if i am not on crutches i am trying to decide being a fairy (the costume i made in my projects) or using my wedding gown to be like a skelly bride or something.
Abbyka recycling old costumes is a good idea. its tough everywhere right now and im sure the kids wont notice much!
Luna what about going as a Mummy if your foot is already in plaster? That way you can still be on crutches and the lurching looks authentic!
Hope you heal soon xx
The kids and I were already looking through a costume magazine sent in the mail box and my son really wants to be a Ghost Buster. My daughter also saw this and squealed because it's pink and she wants it.
I hope they don't mind but I feel so bad. I'll probably feel worse if I can't find the old costumes or they don't fit.
Hm...Since I'm planing a Halloween party at our local youth center, and all the kids I see there probably won't bug making some special costumes, I'll have to "kiss" it! (Keep It Super Simple)...I was thinking Elphaba for Wicked? Little black dress, some weird heels, and green eyeshadow allover my face and body...)
OMG, I am super-excited for Halloween!! :-D Shlomi and I are probably having a party. I'm going to be Sherlock Holmes... and we haven't come up with anything for him yet. :-P
Are any of you making Halloween decorations this year? If so, what? How do you normally decorate?
In the past, I lived with my parents, and they pretty much have an estate on a creepy piece of land, so they always did it up wonderfully creepy... but this year I'm in another country with like, two decorations, so I have to start from scratch--AND they don't celebrate Halloween here!!
That sucks Rachie, I can't live without my holidays. I love decorating and enjoying them with the kids.
Exactly--which is why I'm trying to get decorations made in time to have a party with our friends, who are open to "new" "American" holidays. :-P
Good news! Whenever the money order arrives from the last order from my etsy I can afford costumes for my kids! I saw some for $7 each that weren't too bad. I didn't take much of a look but I saw at least two different costumes I could get for my daughter. My husband was griping about wanting to come home so I didn't look long for any boys costumes for my son.
That's great news!! They will be so excited! Also, what a relief for you! :-D
My mom just told me to wait until Friday because she might be able to scrimp together enough to get the other costumes I told her about that are $20 each. There's one of a monarch butterfly my daughter absolutely adored.
I'm so excited for Halloween this year! I've been working on a jellyfish costume that I'm determined will be epic. It even lights up and glows like a jellyfish. My S.O. is going to be "NOT Waldo" - you know, one of those guys in the Where's Waldo books that you totally have to look at twice because you could have SWORN that was Waldo... lol. He's special.
I think a fairy on crutches would be neat, you could totally still work it.
I'm going to have to look up the resident evil thing. Is that a video game? Video game characters are always cool, though.
I'd be really psyched to introduce a new holiday to people, or i'd be psyched anyway if i was the introducee because halloween is awesome. ;P
that jellyfish thing sounds sweet! :0 not waldo's cool too. xD
I really have to start on mine... the main thing I need is a 1. long purple dress with drapey sleeves with a green stripe down the middle. 2. lavendar skin3. green lips 3. long purple wig/ hair dye. 4. giant sort-of bat wings but more cape like and purple and with horns on them.
<img src=http://yaplog.jp/cv/meepit/img/887/jhudora_p.jpg>
Yeah Resident Evil is a video game, also movies based on the game. My mom got so mad at me for that costume because I cut up clothes I already had to make it. I had this pleather vest I cut up to make the shoulder pads and bullet proof portions of the uniform. LOL
I lost the costume years ago, an ex took off with all of my things. But I used it at least three times. Even once when I was pregnant!
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