Help me with my scarf! :)


I recently bought this scarf from a charity shop and its Moschino! (FTW) BUT I'm pretty sure it is a famous cartoon on it but I am unsure as to who it is! Me and my fam can't figure it out so let me know what yee think! I posted it on my blog and its the first scarf mainly navy that I'm unsure about.


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6 replies since 19th April 2010 • Last reply 19th April 2010

aww those are definite dr. seuss characters... i'm unsure if they have names or anything 0_o but i do know they are from a dr. seuss book!!

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yup that is a Dr Seuss! the elephant is "horton" from "Horton hears a hoo" Happy

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I want the part with the elephant! Happy

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Happy Happy

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Does anybody know what book it is? I just really want to know I never read Doctor Seuss as a kid perhaps now is the time to get into it! Happy

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Dr Seuss wrote Cat in the Hat & many others. The elephant is Horton, I think the orange one is a Sneech. My favourite is Fox in Sox Happy colouring sheets some of his books

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