CO+K wedding, I'm engaged!

42 replies since 20th February 2010 • Last reply 20th February 2010

Congratulations!! A CO+K weding sounds like a brilliant idea!!

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Congratulations Happy

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Congrats you two, I am so happy for you guys! Lets get those crafty ideas flowing for the fabulous wedding!! Yippie! ^.^

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Congratulations to you both *^_^*

I wish you the very best in your future!

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Nice ring! Good job at picking it out, Tom! Congratulations!

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Congratulations! Nice rock Tom, hope you both have a happy life together!

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Congratulations honey xxxxx

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Oh my god, that's wonderful =D that ring is so beautiful! You and Tom are so cute together =) I'll have to start plotting an engagement present to make you guys haha

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congrats, that's a very romantic place to propose^^
a CO+K wedding is a great idea, and i hope your wedding dress turns out nice^^
could you post pictures on here of the dress and stuff?
and beautiful ring!

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I'm thinking a wedding themed Snippets in celebration? You can write a piece about exactly how he proposed and your trip =)

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Congrats to both of you =]

Fab ring =]

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this is so nice congratulation<3 i wish you both a lot of happiness
i am also thinking of making my own wedding dress

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Congrats you guys!

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There was a wedding on the news a while ago where it was eco friendly themed but they made their own flowers out of paper, so you could get reeeally nice paper and make them and keep them forever or recycle Happy

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Thanks so much everyone. Of course, I'll make how-to's for all of the projects I made.

This is my dream dress, it's the Vivienne Westwood one that Carrie wore in the Sex & The City Movie. It costs $15,000, so I've decided to make my own version:

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