Do you stay up too late?

60 replies since 11th November 2007 • Last reply 11th November 2007

lol well... Sorry to say i BEAT YOU ALL! lol. From two days of hanging out with my friends when they first got and XBOXLive, my sleeping schedule has been messed up for around 4 weeks now. I go to bed at 10 in the morning, wake up at 4 in the afternoon, and stay up all night. Go to bed at 10 AM, wake up at 4 PM, etc etc etc.

Its pretty bad, I must say.

Which sucks even worse, because I'm a seasonal employe at my cousin's work, and now they need me for the next two weeks.... and... yea. I'm supposed to work WHEN I'm asleep. Almost the exact hours [9-4] so its gonna be kinda hard! lol

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Ouch sounds bad =S

I have to get up at 5:30 on college mornings, and I normally spend most of my night making things. I just suddenly decide I need to turn that scarf into a dress and can't go to bed till it's done. And oh dear, tonight Child's Play 3 is on so I'll be up till 1:30 watching THAT, then have to get up early in the morning to get to the train station

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When I was in school I had so much homework that when I did sleep, it was at the oddest hours. I'd average about ten hours a week. Get home from school at five, take a nap until dinner at seven, then up all night doing homework. Weekends were a toss up, depending on whether my parents thought I was doing anything useful or if my teacher decided, you know what, read the Iliad in a weekend (actual assignment). In college I kind of had the same sleep schedule. Except I could sleep more. Except finals week, where I'd average about three to six hours the entire week. (The week I was able to sleep three hours, I was having black outs and taking about the equivalent of 30 shots of espresso a day. Plus side is I know how to get off caffeine without a headache) Now I just can't get to sleep! I go to bed at nine pm, and it's four in the morning before I can sleep, then I wake up a nine in the morning. For the last month I've been a zombie. Happy I am working on it though!

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That sounds really awful!

I've found that Berocca is brilliant for when you're knackered and need energy. It's kinda like Pro-Plus, but instead of being horribly bad for you (especially for people like me, who get panic attacks), it's full of vitamins and things =)

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aaw god poor Violinagin!

There was this drummer at college who hardly ever slept he only managed to get to sleep after god knows how many years after smoking erm something...once he fell asleep on his drums in the middle of rehersal because he was also working a night shift at a supermarket.

How come when you haven't had much sleep you still can't get to sleep when you need to!

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I'm 12, and I normally go to bed around 3-5 A.M. I think its because I can never sleep (and the fact that I don't wanna listen to my parents when they tell me to go to sleep, I know that's wrong). I don't need that much sleep though, so its fine.

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some people can actually function fine with only a few hours sleep so moon owl you're probably one of them!

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Holy wow, disarray, and I felt guilty when I was going to bed at 7am. Right now I'm getting to bed at about 2-3am, but I'm trying to shift it back so I won't feel tired all the time when school starts up.

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It's two thirty and I'm still up!! Though I'm still pumped from watching the Olympics (first day I've seen)

There will be coffee and rockstar tomorrow!

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I was out drinking till four this morning. Then came back and watched the olympics for an hour. Beach volleyball, of all things!

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that must have been an amazing thing to watch while drunk!

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Yeah, it was weeeeiiird

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Yep! I'm basically sleep deprived!! I'm usually in bed at around 1 am, but lately going to bed earlier since my daughter's school started!

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*cries* I just started my job, and I couldn't get to sleep, so I'm working on all of two hours. And now I'm grumpy and miserable...

... oh well. An hour and fifteen minutes until I let myself go to bed!

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I went to bed at 5:30 this morning, then couldn't sleep for ages, then had to get up at ten. Tomorrow I get a little lie-in, Saturday I'll be up early for work, then going out on Saturday night so no sleep then, and on Monday I have to go back to 5:30!

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