rep your city!

36 replies since 10th October 2009 • Last reply 10th October 2009

I moved home to my town of Port aux Basques, newfoundland, Canada...its not snowing here yet

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ya your lucky i love the cost ... its a bit far away in Alberta ... only a bit ^.^

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Yeah found it in the end lol
Took aaaaaages though:]

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Glad you got there! :] Hope you enjoyed it x

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I've always wanted to go to Rock City in Nottingham... I've been near Nottingham - I've got family living in Mansfield

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Admittely the name Rock City makes it sound more exciting than it is! But hey, it's a good image to have :] :] :]
Ah, Mansfield... So close, yet i've never actually been there! Haha!
I'm not sure where abouts Enfield in London is, but last time i went to london i was staying in West Norwood and travelling to Clapham Junction on the train- it was scary!
I absolutely adore Camden, though :] It's the most amazing place ever! x

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I go between Storrs and Terryville, Connecticut depending on whether or not I'm in school.

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