Random Made up Words

44 replies since 30th September 2009 • Last reply 30th September 2009

whoopeeenonski the sound people make while they ski


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skinkyminki - A character from a Lynley Dodd (Hairy Maclary) book


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The sound a tonka truck makes when you drop it


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Rawwwrhhh : The sound a dinosaur makes when you sit on it.


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draflump, a sound a sack of flour makes as you fling it to the ground


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A type of jacket worn by greek dancers

Gogmagog (ok this is actually a real word hahaha I'll post the real definition later ;) )

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is it this

In the Middle Ages and in Tudor England, there are several allusions to a giant called Gogmagog, or a pair of giants called Gog and Magog, living in Cornwall when Brutus, legendary founder of Britain, first arrived there.

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Well actually I got the definition from play balderdash a few years ago (best game ever and playing it tonight with friends) according to that it was a tall person. I looked up that definition as well online when I typed it and thought maybe since it realated to a giant they got the definition from that. Who knows Happy Either way I think its a fantastic real word. My definition for it was what you say when someone is wearing too many goggles Tongue Anyone who likes making up definitions I greatly suggest you buy the game balderdash ;)

And with that I'll leave you all with a new made up word so we can carry on with the fun ;)


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Flep- A soggy piece of fabric


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Flep- A soggy piece of fabric


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Wow, that's a fantastic real word... that was quite interesting Rhibi...

Crumfin: A creature that's half fox and half tiger (So basically a stripey fox) with a snake tounge... that, when a person has finished eating... comes along and eats all the crumbs leftoever from your food!!


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fizzlepop - the sound which is made when you mix poprocks and soda in a cauldron and let it boil over a fire.


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snookleboo-what you say to a cute fish in a tank when you tap on the glass


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Crazloodoo - A crazy chicken that won't shut up Happy


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watigax. a sound of astonishment. as is, holy chap watigax over there


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