your pets

65 replies since 20th April 2009 • Last reply 20th April 2009

Oh I'm so sorry for your puppy... Two days ago one of our rats died, and like always, it was the cutest and most gentle one. She always was so vivid, but for the last month, she almost never got out of the cage. And three days ago, I came home from work, and heard her breathing so loud, she almost couldn't get enoug air. I wanted to bring her to the doctor immediately, but it was late and the emergency vet was far away (no car... Happy...) and there is a ap. 100 euro emergency tax. So I took her out and caressed her. Then she stopped breathing and had muscle spasms and everything, even her eyes opened up wide. It was so horrible, and I was alone at home. I almost died with her, I was so sad. But she started breathing again, and that was even worse. She just couldn't stop fighting and still lived the next day, then we finally brought her to the vet.
I'll never forget that look, when she almost suffocated.

Something nicer: I love your turtle michelle! I had one too, but that's long ago, and she didn't get old, always was too small... Happy (well that's not so nice either... ?)
Ok I'll try again: I integrated the twoo baby bunnies from my friend to my two big bunnies, and they get along pretty wall after sorting out the rules! Happy I'll post some pics, but don't have the time right now. But they are sooo cute. Happy Now I have my complete bunny family living in my living room and on the balcony... Just have to find them a garden now, to let them out from time to time. Happy

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Here some pics! Happy
First the small girl Moneypenny:

She's so small and all black, you almost can't see her! Happy but she's very bold and loves to throw her food-bowl into the water-bowl! Happy Whenever I take it out, it takes her 5secs to throw it back in! Happy Need to take something heavier... Happy

Then my second male, the beauty Happy blue-eyed Zhivago:

I love his hairstyle... Happy Happy

And another pic of Irma, she's so cute, and she just doesn't look like a bunny. more like a squirrel or something like that... Happy

I really should decalcify that bowl...

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they are all beautys....I love Irma's colour

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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I <3 my pets! I have 2 cats & 3 dogs...
Here's mt cat Oderus and doggy Grim (they are buddies)

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