What discontinued sweets do you want back?
Hmm I don't think any of my favorite candies are discontinued...Some just aren't sold around me anywhere
Chocolate scones from Kroger is no longer made . Yet, I moved and no kroger here. I wont be able to find anything that tastes delish like that.
Not too sweet or strong, not dry but just perfect with a cup of coffee.
Marble chocolate bars by Cadbury!
There are lots of sweets I miss.
Grizzly Bites
Handi Snacks with the bacon flavored cheese
Lime flavored Fruit Stripe Gum
Minty Bells
Crispy M&Ms
Crystal Pepsi
Yoshi green apple flavored soda
Bullwinkle soda
I was just going to say Crispy M&M's
I miss gummy sweet tarts, can't get them in Canada unless you order them from the US which is really expensive Oh and Trix cereal!
P.B. Crips
Astro pops
Dinosaur eggs
Tongue Splashers
Amazing Fruit
Crystal Pepsi
Need I go on?
I loved the Harry Potter sweets from when the first few movies came out: the chocolate frogs where you got the HP trading cards, and the Berty Bot's every flavour beans! I loved those things
Man, I feel bad for the people that don't have nerds and jolly ranchers. I live on them!
The only things I can think of are the candy cigarettes, the lollypops that were shaped like a thumb, and candy dots that came on a sheet of paper.
Oh, and 3D Dorito and Surge. Man I miss Surge.
I know that they aren't discontinued, reaLLy, but I wish I could have one every day!
Heck yes! Harry potter candy! I loved the Berty Bott's Every Flavor Beans! I ate a pepper flavored one which wasn't so bad but grass? That was a little wrong. Did you know that their "vomit" flavored bean is actually from the recipe Jelly Belly used in the 80s to try and create a "pizza" flavored jelly bean? Ew, haha.
haha im from australia i only know what dunkaroos, nerds and timeouts are and we can still get them here all the rest i have no idea!!
This is actually a drink, but does anyone remember Orbitz?? I used to LOVE them as a kid! I don't remember what they tasted like, but I do remember that I loved eating the little jellyballs! LOL
Ooooooh so many!
We dont get wonka sweets here in the UK anymore everywhere just stopped selling them, I crave them especially the Wonka nerds and I have to order them of an american sweets website
Also Fizzy Jerks i cant find them anywhere
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