my first place

hi, i've been planning to buy my first home and i've just booked my first actual flat viewing. has anyone got any suggestions for questions to ask or things to look out for?


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15 replies since 18th April 2009 • Last reply 18th April 2009

make shure there is no leaks, like leaky taps...or mold...because these are signs of a bigger broblem

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cheers michelle

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I can't think of anything, but best of luck!

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thank you kindly Happy

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ooh, also check and see if its a quiet street, its not fun to live on a busy street, or across from a school. I have and getting woken up at 8 am on your day off is so not fun. stupid alarm bells.

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check there is no damp!

good luck! Happy

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living across from a school would do my head in!

cheers ezme Happy

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oh I thought of one, try to go when the neighbours will be home, like after 5ish, my neighbour is awful Happy

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oh yeah, I had some bad neighbours

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Make sure there are no cracks in the walls...or even the foundation if needed...this could also be a sign of a larger issue.

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thats right and check for spotty celings, or water damage

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haha, it didnt even occur to me to look up while i was there, i'll bear that in mind for the next one

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see anything special yet? when you find the right place you will know

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funnily enough i think it's the first place i went to, ive organised a second viewing tomorrow

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