23 replies since 5th February 2009 • Last reply 5th February 2009

Well, from what we get over here in the states, consider yourselves lucky Queenie.

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i couldnt liuve without snow! we have today of aswell *YAY* and i feel sorry for all you guys who have never seen snow! Happy

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Over here in Iceland, I find it funny remembering and looking at how the Irish and British react to snow.

There is no such thing as a snow day here, you get to work and that is that! I walk to work, and have walked through some mighty hard blizzards! It is just expected of you.
BUT, we don't even get that much snow. It will snow one day and that snow will stay there for like a month and get so icy you break your back every day sliding to work!

Winter studded tires are mandatory here from Nov- March.

It is of course weather, but no doubt inspired by global warming. Throwing the weather off so much. We had our mildest winter in years over here.

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yeah we had snow too!!! just one measly day here but my kids only had school two days{different days as different schools}last week they were very happy!! we all had great fun, where i live it is sooooo rare to have a decent ammount of snow so very very exciting for us a week of it would have ben enough for me though , forcast says blizzards tonight! so far nowt . . . ah well. [img][img] me kids dog and snowlady!

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why can't i add an image grrr! you'll have to copy and paste i will work it out!

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i think you forgot the slash at the end part of the code [/img] here let me see if it will work for me...THIS IS VINTAGE'S PHOTO NOT MINE...just trying to help [img][/img] ....if it dont work...i tried lol...if it did PASS THE CAKE! Happy

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Here's a nice photo that was in my local paper this week...

It's of my local area last week, once the snow had started to melt.

So you know what's what:
The dark shape at the bottom left is the Queen Mary reservoir (which supplies a large amount of London's water)
The lines going all the way across the top are part of Heathrow Airport
And I live at the bottom near enough in the middle, in that little triangle of roads (with quite a large patch of unmelted snow to the left of it lol, because that's where fields, the common and the gravel pits are).

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I went skating this was great

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I went skating this was great

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