Why are you smiling today (or any day)?
I'm smiling because I love him! :-D
I'm smiling because its so nice outside and I'm about to go for a walk
and I fixed my iPod
I'm smiling because I'm happy.
I'm smiling because today a guest from the hotel I work gave me a gift.....it was COFFEE from Chiapas,Mexico.
thats nice!
Its a sun shiney day
Because of Snickers!!!!
My gorgey English friend left yesterday to fly back home.... it was very sad... but I had something wonderful happen that brightened me right up!
A few days prior, we had gone Downtown, where I took him shopping at the big market - while I also found some birthday presents to myself.... I've wanted an alpaca teddy bear forever, and they had beautiful ones at this little stall.... I didn't get one, but went shopping and found all sorts of fun things. At the very end - right before the market closed, I went back to buy a dress. After that, Adam wanted me to help pick out an Alpaca teddy to take home to his mum. So I picked out the absolute cutest one for him to take back to her.
He packed up, we left, and I was still kind of jealous because that darn teddy was just so cute!!! On the way back from the airport, I was already missing him something awful, and was feeling kind of blue. It just got worse when I walked into my room which still smelled like his cologne, and started cleaning everything up. I went to toss some towels in the hamper, and noticed my makeup was kinda piled up on the counter..... so I went to put it back, and WHAM!
There was the cute little Alpaca bear sitting in my bathroom cabinet all propped up with a little sign by it saying miss you already and wishing me a happy 20th. It was the sweetest thing ever, and I just about let loose some major crocodile tears. I took pictures so he would see that I found it, and when I went to upload them, I found a picture he'd edited for me before he left thanking me for having him, that he missed me, loved me and hoped to see me soon. All that depression just went right out the window with my teddy (Snickers - they were all named) and that super sweet photo. Awww. The world needs more men like him.
Thats so adorable gypsie!!!
I know!!! I'm so lucky to have met him! He's just so darn sweet!
I am smiling because today I just got a new job I start next Saturday at a store called the "bead gallery" which sell beads (obviously) and other jewellry making supplies. I've been shopping there for the past 3 years since I started making most of my own jewelry look more to a professional level. So I was very excited to see that they had a position going there. I applied a few weeks ago and was worried I wouldn't get the position as I am quite limited in my availability due to college. However they decided they still wanted me on and hired two people instead of one
It's only for 2 days a week but it means I get to leave my other job which I hate with a passion and have been working at for far too long.
Horray! *dances happy dance*
:o Rhibi I'm so jealous! Switch jobs with me? :p
I had loads of frees at college today... my first lesson ended at 9.40, my lesson at 12 got cancelled and I have lunch at 1, so I've got no lessons between 9.40 and 2.15 today. Sooo I went out and did a bit of shopping to cheer myself up after a bad day yesterday
im watching the Shining!
well obviously im not smiling because im really creeped out but im happy about it
I GOT A JOB!!! :-D
Nothing in my field...really...just housekeeping...but it's at this awesome place and it brings the cash...so I'm soo happy!
awesome KT!
He called me 'ded' cute im on cloud 99 XD
I just realised that if i buy mascara tomorrow and use some vouchers to get lots of extra points on my points card, i might be able to get hair dye for free!
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