Post a picture of your pet thread
How cute! My kitty Tofu is my profile picture...I'm not sure how you post the picture.
cute photo katy!
i want apet! all yours are o cute!
woooah haha it took me ages to spot ruby in that picture!
kitty kitty kitty
Michelle don't you have daschunds!? let me see!
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Aaaww, you have dachshundchens! So cute. I should send you something made from that dachshund fabric I have. I'm gonna think about that. I did get some nice suggestions to make.
Don't feed him the peel though, there's too much of that stuff that makes it yellow in it and that's poisonous. Except for monkeys though.
oh I wouldn't, that was my boyfriend. I was like noooooooo
I have 3 cats, Bonnie, Clover & Kirara : )
what beauties!!!! om om om Bonnie (white one?) is especially pretty with being white with green eyes!
Katy, your cat looks exactly like mine!
Hehehe..I love taking photos of Bonnie, she actually poses for me
You should check out my Redbubble gallery to see more of her It's:
This is Miley, she is just waking up here and we are about to go outside.
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