what I got for christmas this year

23 replies since 24th December 2008 • Last reply 24th December 2008

I got a bunch of cute stuff - but the standout gifts were definately :

Dad and Step-Mom got me bare minerals!!!!! YAY
Boyfriend (major brownie points for this one) - tickets to Celtic Woman!!!! EEEEE!!!! and inuyasha movies! YAY!!
Gramz - Barnes and Noble gift card. LOVE BN!!
Marty (boyfriends best friend) - Pokemon Ranger 2 (WOO!!!!!!)
Mum - cute corsets and clothes! Huzzah!!! HappyDDD

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I got lots of lovely goodies this year Happy

From my boyfriend: a couple of CDs, handwarmer thingies (where you crack the little metal disk inside and the liquid inside heats up and turns to crystals, then they stay warm for ages), a scarf and a t-shirt
From the boyfriend's family: an SAS survival guide (for when I go to Honduras, it tells you literally everything) and a new plant for my room.
From "santa" (a.k.a my mum haha): moneyyy Happy, some knitting needles and wool so that I can finally learn how to knit, a new sewing box, beading and jewellery making stuff, books, DVDs, a Scrabble computer game, bath stuff and other little bits and pieces. And slippers and pyjamas, as is the tradition every year.
From friends: Scrubs season 6 DVDs (I watched all 22 episodes over about a day and a half haha, I love Scrubs), a sudoku calendar (the guy who gave me the present and I do the sudokus in the Metro on the way to college every day, so its an inside joke present), more bath stuff, and a ton of chocolate.

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moneys, a bag, books, lush things, a calender, smellies, money tokens, chocolate Happy

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ooh I got some canvas too

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i got some great stuff this year - i think this is because i've perfected the art of telling people EXACTLY what i want!
from my partner i got - LOST series4 - which i've just watched disc 1 of :0) - a neil gaiman graphic novel - a pr of ugg boots & a bunch of cute stuff from "nook art"
FIL got me a voucher from my nearest sizzzix supplier - yeah!
my daughter made me some yummy sweeties and a fantastic shopping bag
my son bought me liquorice & truffles
my mother bought me a waste paper bin so i can recycle all my paper/card in my craft room {sounds boring but i WANTED it!] and a gel wrist rest mouse mat!!
i got loads more beside and we had a great christmas - delicious dinner - lovely company - great nibbles - a lovely cold after dinner walk and to top it off the christmas special DR WHO - best christmas as a family so far!

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wow, I'm so glad 4 all of you guys!

This year my parents gave me a netbook! I'm so excited. Happy

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OHHH! THATS AWESOME! I've got docs, a caligraphy set, charcoal sketch pads, two other cool shoes but they don't fit [we are trading them in, one to get a bigger side, and the other to trade for some whtie knee-high converse!]. HappyHappyHappyD:HappyHappyHappyHappyHappyHappy

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soo exciting, we got a fridge

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*grins* I just used the money I got and got myself an acer netbook. I'm so excited. So blue and pretty. <3

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