I am home now.

Surgery went well and quick. I was very nervous but I had a great doctor who made me feel better. Once they put me to sleep it felt like I was out for a minute and they were waking me up. I got there at 730am and was in surgery at 1045 and was out of the O.R at 1130am. They had numbed my leg so I wasnt in any discomfort are anything.

Once I was discharged a hour later I was starving so as a request my hubby stopped by burger king on the way home. Yum double cheese burger Happy

Now that my leg is no longer numb I can feel it now. It dont hurt like it did when I had the first surgery so I am excited to get on the path of recovery.

The best news is the doc let me take home the evil screw that he removed! I cant believe I had something that long in my body!! Happy

Now its time for a drug induced nap lol...the pain meds are kicking in. Thanks to everyone for the positive support. Luv ya all-Sug

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6 replies since 14th October 2008 • Last reply 14th October 2008


Awesome friggin sauce Happy Soon you will be up and running, doing double backhandsprings and whatnot Happy


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wooooooooooooooo, we miss u! Hope that burger was yumm! Post a pic of the evil screw. lol, you should put it in a shadow box.

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*does double backhandsprings and pickpockets sugar* OOOOOOOOOOH A BURGER KING DOUBLE CHEESE BURGER!!! YUMMY!!!

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Good to hear all is getting better Happy Best of luck with your recovery.

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Get well soon hun xxx

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yeeeey! *sending healing vibes*

''I cant believe I had something that long in my body!! Happy'' - *GIGGLES*

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