Whats everyone asking for, for Christmas etc

I've been trying to up my wists list, and was wondering what everyone else is after this festive season or for their birthdays etc.

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28 replies since 3rd October 2008 • Last reply 3rd October 2008

hmmm, I am still deciding

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That's such a long way away!
I'm still trying to sort out my Halloween ideas and such Happy

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after my birthday i decied what i want, cause i need to see what i get for my b-day frist ;)

so, after the 14th i'll let you all know Happy

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- table band saw
- combo belt & disk sander/grinder

these would make my nutcrackers soooo much easier to make! I've wanted them since I used them a year ago on my last one. but not just for that. they're quite nifty tools Happy I saw a lady make some cute wood shoes with tools like these Happy

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For my birthday (which is tomorrow, yay! Happy) I'm getting a craft lamp with a daylight bulb and a magnifier, a new watch (one of those ones that doesn't need a battery), and a necklace and earring set which are amethyst set in white gold.

For Christmas I'm probably gonna ask for a Wii, I really want a Wii Fit and Guitar Hero haha.

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happy early bday!

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Happy birthday izzy!

You know Xmas isn't really that far away now, 2 months! AAAHhhh! I get really excited about receiving AND giving presents.

My birthday is on the 16th of December! I think I'll get some wool and fabric with the money I'll get. I think I'll get a sewing machine, new hairdryer, new straighteners maybe... ummm some books! oh and a new phone. I hope me and the boy go to London again we went last year a week before my birthday, for my birthday but I think it's gonna become a yearly thing for fun, for my bday and xmas. Did anyone ever go through the Argos catalogue making a list of everything they wanted!? lol

The next thing to think about is what the heck do we get for other people! lol I'm making my boyfriends mum and dad plushie keyrings and seen some things in debenhams for Mike - usually I get him a serious present and a joke present. Might get something for my mum and dad in debenhams too don't know what though, usually I'm very organised!

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I've been trying to think of stuff I want. Everyone keeps going on about how great kandi kanes are on another forum I use, I tempted to ask for one!

I've got into stresses about what to make for people for christmas at the moment. I'm thinking scented wardrobe thingys for my nan!

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lets see I would like a new digital camera since my little one decided to give it a bath. I want a new purse, some really kewl fabric to play around with, more beads and buttons to add to my collection, a pair of fancy shoes(no heels) so I can celebrate having both my legs since i hope by christmas I should be walking without my medi-boot, a playstation 2 so I can play my roleplaying game once again and world peace lol. Happy

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I got the coolest xmas tree today! post it soon.

Ummmm for xmas, maybe a nice trip somewhere..... or chocolates. Loads of chocolates. My bf gave me everything I wanted, I have wonderful bf, a engagement ring, encouragement and love. I think I have everything I need.

But I really want a pet iguana, maybe I will get that?

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you have to feed them bugs!!!! aaw that's sweet about your bf.

I hate being a grown up, I can pretty much afford the things I want before xmas or bday Happy takes all the fun out of it!

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well I got accepted to Uni! and my Bf wants to help pay for it! Thats my xmas gift!!!

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oh oh i also forgot..I want a new crafting table...instead of using the kitchen table. lol

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I has a nice crafting table!

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