Fishnets, To Wear, or Not To Wear, That IS The Question.....
basically when I wear them with a pair of shorts (black and grey plaid) and a slipknot tee(or other band tee)..........with a pair of combat boots.......I got stared at like I had a penis hanging out of my pants by the ladies...............sooooooooo this leads me to the thought of to wear, or not to? If so, how do you wear them?
I think people just have this opinion of them as bedroom ONLY, and thus if you wear would get looked at less if you were a werewolf.
I don't even need to read past the title.... WEAR THEM!!
honestly I don't think the fishnets are the reason the ladies are staring- it probably the whole ensemble. And it probably has something to do that you look a little hardcore/punkrock, and that's "so 10 years ago" all "mainstream and fashionable" people have moved on to the hipster scene. But screw them, lol do what you want (as long as you don't actually have a penis hanging out of your skirt). When ever I notice people are giving me weird looks, I look at how they are dressed. If they are wearing something I think it stupid, then I ignore them. If they are dressed in something I would wear or even own, I run to the bath room to double check that I don't have something crazy stain on my shirt or toilet paper stuck to my shoe, lol. Get what I'm saying? Why care what they are thinking, if their style is totally different than yours. If your hubby says you look good, and your not having a wardrobe malfunction, then wear what you want girl!
I think if you are comfortable in your choice of outfit, then let no one tell you otherwise. I think fashion is in the person wearing them. Heck, I have a pair of my mom's bellbottoms that my mom wore in the 70's that i wear now. No matter what others think or say, it is your choice. I agree with pam.
I'm a mix of punk/goth/grungish fishnets are my staple!!! I have them in all hole-sizes. lol People stare at me all the time like that, but thats not my fault. Seriously MOST of the time, theyre staring at you bc u LOOK COOL, & they could never wear that (ive literally been told this a bunch before). And the people that do think that, can kiss my ass bc im wearing it for me, not anyone else. lol People are always gonna judge you no matter what u do, its your job not to care.
I usually wear mine with a skirt tho... shorts dont look good on me.

I really appreciate everyone's advice. I guess my anxiety comes out and then I get all tense and stuff. My husband LOVES the way I dress, and I don't think it is too out there or whatever.....but I need to learn to look past the stares and be me and happy. My biggest problem is......for some reason, I developed a bad case of anxiety of my style. I never ask what I want to wear....I always ask.......what can I wear to not feel so tense.........and not stared at...........which is the total opposite of me years ago. I hate it.........and I work on it, by trying a bit of flare on things....
@darkashhurts, I have like so many cute corset tops from when I worked at Hot Topic (shopped there all the time!) and cute skirts, but I never wear them...... I used to, but not now...........maybe now my question to you ladies to overcome that anxiety of noticing everyone else, and not focusing on what I should.
I wear fishnets all the time. With a sexy little wiggle dres or pencil skirt. I'm a huge fan of classic style and fishnets are classic. But I'm not a fan of the trend of wearing stockings under shorts. I don't get it- it looks like something my kid sister would wear, I think the trend came from Disney- probably because showing a girl's legs is wrong.
@PinkWeeds, if you are into classy styles, then try to keep your personality classy. Most of the time I see your replies on discussions they are snide in nature.
I think wiggle dresses look like someone got time warped from the 50's and looks off in today's style standards......if we want to get into details.
You could have simply stated that you personally don't like tights or what not, under shorts...without your further description to put people down who do.
I don't think I was being snide. You asked for opinions, you should expect to have a variety of opinions when you ask for them. I like fishnets, I don't like leggings under shorts. I don't see how that's snide, I made a joke concerning how I felt and was actually going for comic because that's my personality. I'm a very comic person, and I tend to joke and tease people a lot.
I guess in response to your second question about overcoming anxiety when it comes to what you wear, develop a sense of humor because it can take you farther than a negative attitude.
Do what makes you happy! I think leggings/tights/fishnets look cute under shorts. Throw on a pair of suspenders and you're good to go. Some people may not like suspenders, but I like them and think they're cute. That's all that matters. As long as you like it, who cares what others think.
You go GryffindorGrl!
I really need to work at hot topic. lmao Its basically the only place i shop. anyways...
Ive never really had anxiety about what i wear (or peoples opinions or staring), bc i feel totally comfortable & like myself dressing that way (i felt that way before then, when i wore "preppy" things, really awkward). If you dont feel comfortable & confident in what your wearing... maybe you should try another style for a while?? who knows, maybe after dressing 'normal' for a while, you'll wanna dress "different" again. lol
If u DO like what you wear, you just have to have confidence in yourself, & learn to tune out/ignore negative people. Its all about feeling good in your style & way you are. People are always going to have their negative opinions about something, so you shouldnt let them bother you. Ive found that the people that dont like it are Never going to really say it to your face, & the people that do like it will usually stare a lot & compliment you later. lol
Btw, i live in the back-country of Kentucky, with bunch of rednecks & old people. So i get stared at A LOT. lol But i really dont care. Mine & my friends (who r like me) opinions are all that really matter, & what i listen to. I dont allow negativity into my life really.
You read my mind DarkAshHurts!
Let's be honest here we all look at and make judgements about other people whether or not we voice or act on those judements.
If you dress differently to everyone else you have to have the inner confidence to do so. If you're currently experiencing a crisis of confidence - reign it in a bit, nobody is suggesting you change your style completely.
My daughter is 13 and is finding her own style (goodbye Hollister etc!) and I fully embrace her individuality (well not fully - she is only 13 after all!)
I wear fishnets with damn near anything they'll show through... shorts, skirts, dresses, longer tunics...
If people are staring, that's their problem.
I can understand a bad stare if you're wearing them with shorts that show off your bare buttcheeks or something (lol) but if your bum is covered I don't see what the big deal is! I could also understand weird stares if you wear thigh-high fishnets with short shorts or a short skirt because that's more for the uh, streetwalkers, I guess. Haha
If you're comfortable, that is what matters! Let people stare. If they can't get over something that's been a staple for alternative fashion since the 1970s, that is their loss!
But I'm with Pinkweeds on other kinds of tights and leggings being worn with shorts... I don't like the look of solid tights/leggings with shorts at all--to me, that looks a bit tacky and childish. If the shorts aren't warm enough, don't wear leggings with them--just wear pants. lol
I used to love wearing fishnets and crazy things that I thought made me look cool or tough but looking back it wasn't that I looked odd - I just didn't look good.Now I think I've found a good balance with my clothes so they are edgy but look nice at the same time. There are ways to express your style and look good doing it so when people stare they are impressed not confused.
But if you really love to wear fishnets and don't want that to change I think there are ways in incorporating them into a wardrobe. You just have to play around with it so it looks less trashy and more fashion forward that way when you walk out you'll be confident and everyone will be impressed rather then turned off.
Oh, more thoughts just hit me! I've made a little table of the kinds of fishnets I like, and what I like to wear with them.
Traditional fishnets - knee-length dresses, shorts / ankle or calf boots, Mary Jane flats or heels
Pothole fishnets - skirts, shorts / knee-high boots
Torn fishnets - shorts, pencil skirts / ankle, calf, or knee-high boots
Patterned fishnets - knee-length dresses, skirts / calf boots, Mary Jane heels
Those are just my preferences but if you're looking for new things to wear fishnets with, you should experiment. Layering fishnets with solid color tights makes for a really cool look, too, and it's warm enough to wear in early fall.
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