Swimwear help...!

Hi everyone!! It's been a while since I last posted around here hehehe...

I'm trying to learn to make swimwear and bought some really nice fabric and patterns... but the instructions are imposible to understand!
Sooo... I decided to search the web for a tutorial that would help me with my task.... with no luck.

I want to add pads (?? don't know if that is the correct word >.<) to my bikini top... but I don't understand how to sew them Happy

Does anyone know how this is done?
I've only cut the pieces for the bikini... so any ideas will be veeeeeery helpful!!

Thank you! Happy

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1 reply since 28th June 2013 • Last reply 28th June 2013

Do you mean bra cups?
Never done it myself but a google search turns up lots of different options eg

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