Plushie Commission

Does anyone here make plushies? I need one for a cosplay I'm in and I can't get my characters to turn out right. Anyway, I'd need a chibi plush of this guy:

Let me know if anyone wants too?

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2 replies since 21st March 2013 • Last reply 21st March 2013

Have you seen any chibi pics of the character? That would help a lot, or what's the character name? I could make a plushie of it if we could find a pic or plushie that's already chibi style.

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I do plushie commissions, but I usually do them for around $45. It all depends on the detail level. Lowest I could go would be $25, and that would be that all of the clothes are glued on instead of sewn and most details are simplified. The image attached is my most recent commission that I did of Liara from Mass Effect, about a month ago.

However, if you'd like to take a crack it yourself, I do have a very basic plushie tutorial for free here.

I think they can be a very fun adventure and I highly recommend giving it a go. But let me know if you'd like to talk more about a commission. I'm also willing to help answer any questions you may have if you decide to make one yourself.

Best of luck!

Medium liara group watermark
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