Sewing lessons??

Does anybody know where I could find good online instructuioms or anyone know if any generic store has sewing lessons?!?!? I really need help

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6 replies since 2nd May 2012 • Last reply 2nd May 2012

Check Youtube.
JoAnn stores usually offer sewing lessons when you buy a sewing machine from them, but a lot of sewing machine manuals will tell you everything you need to know about setting up your machine for certain stitches and fabrics.
A lot of the sewable projects here on CO+K have step-by-step tutorials on how to sew that specific project.

Start out simple by making stitches in a piece of scrap fabric. Experimentation is key because no two seamstresses/seamsters sew the same way. It'll take a while for you to develop a style you're comfortable with.

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Amazon a book called The Sewing Bible

I got it as a gift a few birthdays back and it's great for beginners. It shows you all the basics from stitches (hand and machine), hems, fabric selection and projects.If you want to learn more about machine sewing, like Monika said, consult your manual, get scrap fabric and practice practice practice!

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I'd check out youtube

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I find books for children which tend to come with projects are very helpful and simple because they are designed so children can understand them.

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THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE HELP! I have been working with my sewing machines but they all seem to jam up. I do not purchase patterns and projects so i would not get the children books. I enjoy sewing by the eye and I just need to know how to thread the sewing machine but I will check out Youtube thanks so much for the help!!

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If I may put my two cents,

search terms like free sewing patterns for xyz, I am sure you will find easy projects to follow on your own.

This is how I enjoy most of my sewing project!

good luck!

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