Sewing machine set-up help

So, I have a 1970s Singer sewing machine that my grandmother gave me. I'm a bit of a sewing machine novice and haven't used one for about 9 years. I tried to set it up last night, using the manual and my mum on the phone, but I can't get it sewing correctly.

I've got red thread in the upper reel and blue in the lower one and when it stitches it has neat little red stitches on the top and BIG red loops on the bottom. Theres hardly any blue stitches and only on the bottom, the upper reel is doing all the work.

I think I've set up the bottom reel correctly but its hard to tell as the pictures in the manual and really poor and unclear.

I think its some kind of tension issue, but the manual says I can only alter the tension of the top reel. Logic dictates that if I alter the tension of the top reel the stitches will change, I've had it on pretty much every setting and it just comes out the same. Help!

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3 replies since 22nd July 2011 • Last reply 22nd July 2011

maybe there´s something wrong with the looper/claw. you can see it at the bobbin case. it´s a little claw that grab the needle thread when the needle goes up and created a little loop. the claw expand this loop and and twist it around the bobbin thread. it can happen that the claw does the wrong thing at the time or hold on to the needle thread too long.
or your tension is very very low at the needle thread and very strong at the bobbin thread. as you said you altered the needle thread tension in every way and can´t alter the bobbin thread tension i suggest to see a sewing machine technician (in both cases). make sure you get an estimation of costs before you agree in repairing it! sometimes the spare parts for old machines are more expensive with repairing costs than a whole new machine.

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Thanks So LaLa. I was trying to avoid having to take it to a sewing machine shop, as I'm worried that they might not be able to do anything with it being such an old machine. I might pop in a couple of shops with my sample and see if they can recommend anything. Otherwise repairing will have to wait until I've been paid.

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Often when this happens to me, it turns out that the bobbin is not properly positioned and threaded into the bobbin holder, or else there is fluff or a stray bit of thread around the bobbin holder.
Try removing and cleaning the bobbin case with a little brush, and replace making sure it is properly sitting in its position.
Also, oil the machine ( oiling points are shown in the instruction book)

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