I'm lost with trying to make a peaked cap...

First and foremost- I don't want to knit it, I don't want to crochet it, and I don't want it to be slouchy or a newsboy hat. I'm trying desperately to find a tutorial, or some help, anywhere online, for how to make a stiff, good-looking, military-esque peaked cap.

I have a jacket to cut up for the fabric, and I have tons and tons of spare leather scraps that I'm wanting to use for the brim (to spare myself money for fabric stiffener), but I don't even know where to begin, pattern-drafting wise. =/ If anybody has any tips for peaked caps, please please please fill me in!

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3 replies since 6th September 2010 • Last reply 6th September 2010

How about this tutorial? Is this the kind of thing you had in mind?


Or are you looking for the officers dress uniform style cap?

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I've made that combat cap, twice, and it came out really well. I used plastic milk cartons for the peak, if you soak it in really hot water it softens it enough to shape it nicely. Also the sewing machine needle will go through it w/out danage=)
I wear the khaki one all the time

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it's probably a bit late now but this is a really good tutorial for making a peaked officer's cap.


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