!!!!!!!!!!!SEWING HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok this may ba a little strange but i am desperate. is anyone willing to be my online sewing tutor/mentor. someone who can show me sites or there peprsonal step by step techniques. my friend wants me to make her a momocon costume and i can sew by hand but i just bought a new machine...

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6 replies since 9th January 2010 • Last reply 9th January 2010

Ok, first thing you should do is read the manual that came with your machine and play around with the different stitches, tension and stuff like that. Get a feel for your machine.

Start off by doing some basic projects, if you try and jump in with a difficult project you are likely to struggle and end up hating sewing.

I found some tutorials from this page on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOrsW9IkXH4

Good Luck! and if you have anymore questions I'd be happy to help out Happy

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like craftalicious said, start simple first, and also do you have a pattern? makes it a bit easier

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omg, i still have never been able to operate a sewing machine by myself. xD good luck!

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the thing is its a mini machine and my old one broke so i can only do one basic stitch, it ok though i was looking for patterns online but i couldn't find any great ones (does anyone know any)

i could use the old one pretty well when doing thing from scratch but i never learned how to use a pattern ( my first and only pattern i glued everything together, some pieces were even backwards)

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Start of with something simple like a pair of pajarma shorts.

Most important thing - Before cutting any fabric make sure the pattern will fit you.

Adjust along the lenghthen/shorten lines and check for (in this case) the measurement from front waist through crotch to back waist (sort of nappy length LOL)

Pajarmas are 2 front pieces and 2 back pieces which use a straight stitch on side and centre front and back and an inside curve stitch (in the crotch). This will get you use to handling your machine.

You can make a waistband channel for elastic or a drawstring. Then you have hemming to practice too.

It's mainly straight stitching and makes up quick. I used this idea to teach my male friend to sew. He's onto baby grows for his kids now.

Don't be tempted to use a stretch fabric until you feel confident. Best to start with a poly cotton mix.

You could go on to make a simple vest top with spaghetti string ties to match the shorts.

Try thrift shops for cheap stuff you can take apart to see how its made and use for patterns and check out the web for the construction order

Top tip:- When you need to re-thread your machine with a different colour don't un-thread the old colour. Snip it at the top and tie the new colour to the old and pull it through.

Good luck x

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Hey I just discovered this fantastic website: http://www.burdastyle.com/ which is dedicated solely to sewing. The learning section looks like it has a lot of great how-tos for beginners and tips. For example one tutorial will teach you how to thread your machine. I am fairly new to sewing and I know I will benefit from this site.

If you are willing to make a small investment, this book Sew Fast and Sew Easy by Elissa Meyrich ( http://www.amazon.com/Sew-Fast-Easy-Need-Start/dp/0312269099 ) has been a great resource for me as I learn how to use my machine. It also comes with a few easy patterns to follow

Good luck!


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