plushie ideas!

I really like to make monster plushies in the shape of electrical equipment [washing machine, boombox etc] and I'd really like to make some more but my mind's kinda blank.
I've been considering making a toaster for a while now, but I'm not too sure about that...

any ideas for what else may be cute?
I'm going to try and make a how-to of my next plushie if I can, so maybe suggest something that you'd like to have a go at yourself.

any other non-electrical suggestions are welcome to. hehe Happy

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16 replies since 20th December 2008 • Last reply 20th December 2008

vending machines, Ipod, old fashion refridgrators, lamps, laptop, microwave, coffe pot...are just some that come to mind. Happy

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A TV, a plug, a hoover (I could see a hoover having monster-like qualities haha),

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ok, I'm gonna get started on a toaster now.
anyone want a how-to for that?

thanks sug & izzy for all your suggestions, I can see me being pretty busy in the near future trying to figure out some of those. ha

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How about an old school guitar amp? I have one sitting in my floor right now and I can see it as a plushie. I'd do it, but it would be a little impossible considering my novice abilities. You're the plushie queen, so I'm sure you could make it work!

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A Camera would be cute!! ^-^ Or a lightbulb, haha!

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how about an old telephone Happy Or and old Payphone box....A tall lamp...A Wii, Xbox ect...

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a sewing machine!! or tools like a drill? or a saw?

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It would be awesome to make a whole computer plushie set up! I can see it now, a monitor, a desk, a tower, a mouse, a keyboard, and some speakers! It would be cool to make a small set, not life size, that would be ridiculous. You could give them all faces and personalities. The speakers could be loud-mouths. The monitor could be a bit vain, like a superstar, where as the tower could be a nerd, like the brains behind the beauty (the monitor). Maybe the keyboard could have bruises and missing teeth because to use it you are basically jabbing it with your fingers (lol). I don't know. It looks cute in my head. Oh, and you can even add a chair. Wow, I kinda feel inspired but my talents don't compare. Happy

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Tea cup?

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Have you seen The Brave Little Toaster? Try finding screen shots of that movie and see if anything gets your creative juices flowing. Happy

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Let's see... How about a Roomba? Or maybe a novelty food machine like a popcorn machine or cotton candy maker.

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I'd love a toaster plushie Happy

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You should make a toaster and two little slices of toast to fit into it!! ^_^

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A ceiling fan... With a baseball hat and a pointy finger you see at games.
Get it? It's a fan.

I'll go away with my lameness now =P

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