Do I need a new battery?

I've had a kodak easy share camera for about 6 years it has a rechargable battery that has worked fine until now. Everytime I turn on the camera it has a 1/2 mark battery charge and then it stops working I've tried charging it 2ce over the past few days at first the charger shows that it's charging but then the lights go red after a while. I was wondering if I need a new battery or a new camera Happy

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4 replies since 25th June 2012 • Last reply 25th June 2012

Try regular batteries, cause my rechargeable go bad, they like die all at once. Your camera is probably most likely fine. New batteries should do the trick Happy

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this is what my battery looks like

I'd like to find one for less than 30 dollars though.The question now is what battery should I get to replace it? brand-wise I guess

Also,do you know why lithium batteries are better than alkaline? How can you tell the difference? I'm not sure what mine is now but apparently kodak includes alkaline with their cameras yet they don't suggest using it :/

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The more a battery is charged the more it loses it's ability to hold a charge... that why everyone suggests on everything with a chargeable battery (laptops, phones, cameras) to wait until the battery is fully drained before charging and not leaving it to charge for longer then it needs to. Like Lau5ren said, even if you haven't used them a lot if they sit for a long time they'll lose their charge. You'll have to replace the battery...

Amazon has them for cheap -

you can also try ebay

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Thanks I'll try that bc a 30$ battery isn't gonna happen. I have another camera( a newer one )I can take pictures w/ it but when I try to load them it will only load my photos up til 2011 I've tried deleting some pictures but it still wouldn't load. I guess I'm just having issues with cameras lately. I'll try to load it to another computer.

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