
i feel like such a dummy when i try a project and the directions are like a secret code that i cant figure all i know how to do is basic knit and double stitch...i need some help...

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2 replies since 22nd February 2011 • Last reply 22nd February 2011

Sometimes it helps for me to write/type out the pattern in plain English before I start, at least at first.

An excellent resource is to go out and buy a book (I recommend Stitch and Bitch), or, if looking for a less expensive tutorial, check Youtube.

Don't be afraid to start small either; I knitted a billion washcloths and scarves until I felt comfortable with different stitches (and when my friends BEGGED me to give them something other than scarves and washcloths).

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you can find lots of how tos on the internet, they are a great help
here are just a few.....

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