Album Cover Charm

Hello all.
For Christmas, I want to make my friend a charm bracelet centered around one of her favorite bands. I'd like one of the charms to be an album cover. I'm not skilled enough to paint/draw the likeness. How can I (very inexpensively) create such a charm/affix it to another charm so that it looks professional?

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3 replies since 12th October 2012 • Last reply 12th October 2012

I would get the Shrink Dinks that you can put through the printer and print the album cover on it. Make sure to enlarge/ lighten the picture accordingly!

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Shrinky Dinks are definitely going to be your best bet. You will just want to find a clear coating that will prevent any ink or other sort of color from scraping off of it when it's being worn.

Otherwise, there are specially-made charms that can hold photos, but they tend not to be much larger than an inch long/wide.

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