New board

I thought it was time to add a Home Sweet Home board so that we'd have somewhere to discuss cooking, organizing and all those homemaker things. If anyone thinks we desperately need a new board for anything else, let me know!

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9 replies since 7th October 2008 • Last reply 7th October 2008

New board wow!

Lookit! My post count!!! Tis gonna be much higher!

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ooooh brilliant!!! Happy

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nice! Like queen I will have loads of posts. I love housewares...and cooking

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*Puts a crown on Michelle's head made from spoons,forks, and foil* Hhehehe Now your our queen

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OOOOOOOOOOO this will prob be my new favourite. I'm off to thrown some homey bits and pieces together now. xx

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Yay, glad you guys are liking it!

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we are!

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What about a "3 R's" board... Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a huge thing nowadays and a lot of us have been making things out of used stuff... it might be cool to have a board where we can discuss different ways to reuse and recycle items in crafty ways Happy

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