Pony bead baking

So I've seen a few projects on here that uses pony beads, and you put them in the oven.

I tried to do the cuff, and it worked, except it was very hot to touche to mold, so I got some gloes and tried to shape it, but it was already to hard, and it broke. I broke it even more into smaller pieces, and I made some pendants out of it.

So I was wondering [because I have an idea, but i can't use pony beads] if I could use my recycled plastic beads and bake those with the pony beads, or would that be a horrible idea?

Since they are different materials, they will melt at a different rate at a different heat, but I'm hoping someone will know about it, and maybe there can be a nice middle between them where they can both melt fully and bond, but not go all crispy critter and dying.

anyone got any suggestions or a "yes/no" type of thing?

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3 replies since 6th August 2008 • Last reply 6th August 2008

those recycled plastic beads (made out a bottle you mean?) would probably melt really fast, maybe just use those beads but already be wearing gloves so you can shape it right away!

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lol well I did make a cuff, and I did use goves, but I had a different idea for another project, but pony beads won't work.

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I didn't really understand what you meant :p

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