School checked skirts !! (Old uniform)

What do I turn them into?? I mean I've got four pairs of it I guess and's like a overall thing with skirts....and it's checked brown and black here's the pic anyway! Please help ( it's really TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO old I'm in grade five and I've had this from grade one!! Too old y'see !)

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4 replies since 11th February 2013 • Last reply 11th February 2013

Umm sorry lol I think it's somewhere in the cupboard but I have a picture of the pant so umm the fabric is of the same but the skirt thingy has those cross at the back

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You could make shorter skirts, some cute shorts, a dress, or even sew some of the fabric into cute little bracelets!

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make them your size by adding fabric to the sides in a contrasting color or just use them for fabric- anything else is really up to you.

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That's cool thanks

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