Blog blog blog

Hello! Some time ago I created my own blog to share some of my craft projects and my thoughts about random things. Happy

You are very welcome to visit it!

Feel free to comment and maybe add some suggestions, I will be glad to hear them! Happy

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6 replies since 1st July 2012 • Last reply 1st July 2012

I really liked how your pictures looked, and I loved how easy your tutorials are to understand.

If you want to visit my blog, or whatever, it's:

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Thanks! I checked your blog and I think it's nice! Sometimes it's good to express yourself with writing, rather than keeping everything into yourself. Happy

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I love your slouchy bag!
I think Im gonna give that shot soon :3
Cute simple layout & your pictures are great Happy

If you want to check out mine:

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Thanks! I might make a tutorial for that bag someday!

And i'm glad you like my pictures,although I wish their quality was better (phone photos). Happy

I'm also now following your blog, it's nice too! Happy

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I changed my blog URL Happy

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Heres mine! ^__^

Following yours Miki, but Aneniine, I;m afraid I couldnt find the button to follow yours Happy

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