procrastination problem!

I am terrible at getting things started and this does not just apply to important tasks such as form filling or report. writing...once I have decided to do something it becomes a "job" and is destined to remain in the "to do" section of my psyche for an indefinite time period. Even if it was supposed to be fun...a hobby. This is insane.
For example. I have a drawer containing casting resin, pigment, silicone and partly prepared items to make silicone moulds of that hit a standstill during "step one" several months ago. I have polymer clay pendants missing chains, or chained but needing just a clasp in the right colour...half finished crochet "gifts" that will have to be restarted if they are to ever be given due to me not having a clue where I'm up to in the pattern...a selection of cut up papers and fabrics of unknown intended destiny.
Does anybody else have this same problem? And how do you overcome it? If I knew that I would no doubt put that off too.

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4 replies since 26th October 2011 • Last reply 26th October 2011

I'm not sure if I'm as much as a project leaver as you Nicpea. I'm stubborn, I don't like to let a project defeat me! I definately find it easier if I have a deadline though, like if I'm making something for a friends birthday or for a swap. If I'm doing crochet, if i set myself a target of doing a row a night I can work out when I'll be finished. Then I can say to myself if I keep to it I'll be able to wear it in winter or for a certain event etc.

Maybe you need a clear out? Tidy out your bits and pieces so you can decide what to keep, finish or give away.

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I do finish maybe 50% of the gifts I make, but things that don't have a purpose tend to fall by the wayside. I think getting involved in swaps would be motivating so am going to find one soon...I'm guessing that here is a good place to look.

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Just lately I've found myself spending longer surfing for inspiration than actually making anything!

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I keep a planner with the all my school tasks for the day written in the daily memo's. Once I have completed a task I cross it out, seeing how much I have completed gives me motivation to continue.
I use the monthly calender to keep track of other appointments, and important meetings.

I tend to get distracted with crafts as well, so I usually only do one at a time. If I have more than one craft going on I schedule it in. Sounds lame, but If I have a written list of the crafts I want to finish I am much more likely to actually finish them. Sometimes the best thing is just to trash the crafts you will never finish and start fresh, with new inspiration comes a new desire to finish. Maybe take stock of your crafting supplies and organize it all, I find sorting through everything and seeing what I have will spark my creativity and make me WANT to finish something asap.

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