What to make for my fiance?

His birthday is next week, we've been friends for 12 years, lived together 1 year. He's a geek, plays x box 360, loves Legend of Zelda(has the triforce tattooed on his wrist), Marvel&DC comics, music, movies, zombies, photography, turtles.....Ok, I'll stop there, as I could go on and on!!
Here's what I've already made: I handpainted a card for him, with the triforce, 1up mushrooms, and extra life hearts on it. I made a green pouch with the triforce on it, for his new mp3 player.
What I'm thinking about making is either the 1up mushroom cupcakes, or the Green Lantern cake.
I need some ideas!!! I'm cashless, and stuck out in the middle of nowhere(way away from a store), but I have my craft supplies. I have felt, embroidery floss, glass and stone chip beads of various sizes and shapes, key chain findings, fabric, yarn(I can barely knit, though), paint, denim scraps.


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5 replies since 15th January 2010 • Last reply 15th January 2010

Does he smoke?maybe you could sew him a cigarette holder.Or embroider him a patch on some denim and he can pick out on what clothes he wants them to sew it. Maybe embroider something like this(I found it on Craftster):

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That's a cool shirt! Happy

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yeah that is awesome

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I've just spotted this project, have a look at it, I think it would be great.....

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Haha! Nora, I am planning on making the playing cards book for him for Valentine's day! It is a really cool project.
Violetta, I love that shirt!! I could probably paint that on something...No, he doesn't smoke, but thanks for the idea! I'm getting some inspiration, guys, thanks!
I tend to think of my the way my mind works as a hamster in a wheel. The other night, when I posted this, my hamster wanted to run in the wheel, but was way too tired! LOL, I know, I'm crazy.
Hey, I'll post the stuff I make him, after I get it all done! Thanks for the help!!

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