What to use on tote bags?

Sorry it's me again!

I was going to buy and decorate a blank cancas tote bag for my friend's birthday but I'm not sure on what to use on them. I have some permenant markers but is there anything else I can use.

I am going to use a white bag - i was going to get a black one but realised that permenatn markers wouldn't show up (unless you know what will!)

Oh - I'm intending to do something like the 'Merry Happy Shopper' project. I'll be writing a lot of words Happy Incase that helps!

Thanks in advance

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13 replies since 3rd February 2009 • Last reply 3rd February 2009

I have some canvas totes myself, some black and white ones. With the permanent markers, try adding spangles or sequins, or even some silk flowers for starters if that gives you some ideas. In any case, I have the same dilema, but I am using the white ones to give to members of my wedding party. So I need some more ideas as well. Good luck with your creation.

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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You can buy fabric paint in tubes that are easy to write/draw with, there are plain ones and glittery ones.
Thé one I have is called Jones Tones- Ultra Paint in Glossy super fine tip

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wow! opposite girl how many of the same did you post! XD

i have been wanting to do this FOrEVEr but i havent got a bag so i will need to make one! but any way what you do is you get a thread tie it to the bag then tread beads on to it and tie of then you just carry on doing that all over the bag till you have a miliion little rainbow colored tassels! XD i hopw that made SOME sence! lol ^^

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I've looked into fabric pens and stuff but they are either cheap child ones or stupidly expensive pens Happy Do you use any specific ones or should I scrap the pen idea.

I've used black transfer paper before, but it didn't work very well, it looked tacky and peeled off very easily :S

Thank you for your ideas so far!

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Fabric pens are cool. But if you have any fabric scraps, I think it would be cute to make little patterns on the bag with them. I suggest sequins, glitter, and charms and trims. It depends on how flashy you want to get with it. I like lace trims and flowers. On some bags I've done, I've sewn in alphabet beads to spell out cool phrases or names, etc. Happy

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