outdoor project
notsomuch a creation, but certainly a project. pulling weeds is an all day affair, and i'm highly considering plastic next year. or maybe the plastic with fabric woven in that you can use & reuse rather than throwing away so much plastic every year. anyway, the veggies-
Wow is that 4th photo of your garden?
I wish I could grow plants, but the best space I have is a window box <!-- s --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/disappointed.gif" alt="sad" title="sad" /><!-- s
yes! it's the entrance to it. my grandfather graciously gave me around an acre of land before he sold the rest of his 80 acres. it's about 20 minutes from where i live right now, so it's hard to be over there every day. i do what i can. but it's really nice to be away for a few days and go there and have huge vegetables!
here's another picture, i don't know if it's better though. it's hard to get a good picture because everything in there is so HUGE!
Wow, you're so lucky. Where do you live?
It must be hard work to look after something of that scale.
it really is- especially when you work forty+ hours at a "real" job. but i'm blessed to have many friends who are and have been willing to help through the whole experience! i live in west virginia by the way.
yum that all looks so lush! <!-- s:tea: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/awake.gif" alt="tea" title="tea" /><!-- s:tea: -->
lucky to own some land and a lush garden.. maybe enroll some help and have a little stand. Or sometimes here in wisconsin we have Honor System, people leave out there cart and you pop a few bucks in the box.
wow that looks amazing! I would love to grow my own veggies Don't have the space or the climate for it here though hehe (in iceland)
Ha ha, I wonder if there are any plants that thrive in sub-zero conditions.
I don't know about that, but over here the veggies they do grow, grow in greenhouses and are heated by the natural geothermal hot water
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